You know what? I didn’t drive in Mexico for the first four years we lived here because it scared me! You see in Mexico they don’t quite have all the same rules as Canada or the US. In fact driving here can be kind of wild and chaotic. I have learned to embrace wild and chaotic – thus I now drive in Mexico.
Yes seat belts are the law and speeding is ticketed but as for the lines on the road? I think they are considered guidelines only. The idea seems to be to use every possible patch of pavement and having two lanes turn into three or four lanes is not uncommon.
So what did I teach my son besides the regular driving basics? Well a lot of it was informing him of the differences between driving in Mexico and other countries. For instance that you will find “x” driving habit in Mexico but if you go to Canada or the US this will not be allowed.
I taught him to
- Watch for people who may suddenly turn up on your right when you actually have your turn signal on to turn right.
- Watch when you want to turn left because other drivers may think you want them to go around you when you put on your signal so they will pass on your left
- Hesitate before you pull away at a light because someone may be running the other light.
- Watch for turtles crossing when driving in beach towns.
- That you don’t have to drive like dad if you don’t want to.
When he finished my classes, he took six hours of mandatory classroom drivers’ education (where he was taught things like the time it takes your vehicle to stop at various speeds and that no makeup should be put on in a car as an accident could force your makeup applicator into your eye causing serious injury). After that he took his written and practical test and received his own Mexican drivers’ license. Yea!
I also have to say that the Playa del Carmen Department of Licensing had the friendliest, nicest people working there that I have ever encountered. Everything was handled with a smile. The instructor for his classroom education even came and shook his hand as he held his new license.
So look out Playa del Carmen – you now have another new driver - my son.
Enjoy the Adventure! Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live your Dreams Life Coach