You see our friends from Vernon, B.C. came to visit and we figured it would be a fun day trip. I’ll recount the fun for you incase you would like to repeat it with your friends.
First you borrow a Honda Pilot from your buddy so that all eight of you can squeeze into one vehicle. Now go pick up your friends from their resort at 8 AM and hit the road! First stop bank machine – teach all your friends how to read a Spanish bank machine and collect cards and PIN codes as you go (HeeHee). Also shuffle around so those that feel car sick can sit in the front instead o

Next stop for gas … shuffle around again so those that feel squished can sit in different spots. I personally like the coziness of the furthest back corner.
Next stop in Valladolid for breakfast at Hotel El Meson de Marques, a tour of the square, some leather shopping and photo ops. Now on to Ek Balam! Bring water to drink.
After the trek up the pyramid at Ek Balam you will want to cool off so you can visit the cenote advertised right there like we did. It is several Kilometers further in the jungle so you can rent a bike or have a fellow bicycle you in on his trike (each trike takes two people – lucky driver). Try to get a young man as you will end up feeling really bad for the older fellows as they puff you along. Don’t forget to wave to your friends on bicycles as they speed past you.
The cenote will feel cool and delightful – I guarantee it. It is well worth putting that old fellow through the hassle of biking you in. I am sure he likes all his tips and his exercise.
Bike out and head for lunch at Genesis Eco Oasis which is owned and operated by Lee, a lady from Calgary, Canada. Don’t miss the tiny town of Ek Balam or you will miss seeing the most beautiful hammocks being made and the fun of counting all the dogs, pigs, chickens and roosters running loose on the street!
Now drive back for a couple hours to return your friends to their resort at about 8 PM.
A delightful day had by all. I am sure the cramp from being squished in the truck will pass. Go ahead and come try it yourself. Do you want our buddy’s number for the Honda Pilot?
(Pictures on FaceBook)
Enjoy life's adventures!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live your Dreams Life Coach
P.S. My ebook: Only in Mexico You Say? The Humorous Side of Living in Mexico is available now on my site http://www.onlyinmexicoyousay.com/.
Would you like help to visit or live in Mexico? Visit http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
My husband's Playa del Carmen Real Estate office – http://www.onestopmc.com/.