If you are thinking of coming down for a visit or to live, these thoughts may help you plan and pack.
- Intense heat and high humidity is good for the skin.
- Living with access to a pool is a necessity.
- Owning two or three swimsuits is important so you always have a dry one.
- It’s fun to change clothes three times a day.
- The calories from iced coffees don’t count because you sweat the calories away.
- Two or three showers a day are usually needed and are also healthy for your skin.
- To work out with no air conditioning in your gym burns lots of fat.
- One should always carry water with them and drink lots and that is healthy.
- Sunhats can be a fashion statement.
- You can wear less clothing and that saves on laundry.
All in all, I am very glad we moved our family here; hot summers and all. Just look at those palm trees! Now excuse me, my hammock is beckoning me and I think I feel a breeze.
Enjoy life's adventures!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live your Dreams Life Coach
P.S. My ebook: Only in Mexico You Say? The Humorous Side of Living in Mexico is available now on my site http://www.onlyinmexicoyousay.com.
Would you like help to visit or live in Mexico? Visit http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
My husband's Playa del Carmen Real Estate office – http://www.onestopmc.com.
Ha, love this post. It's all so true! Especially the part about having to shower three times a day!
Last time I was in Playa Del Carmen was in the middle of July. Walking around town in the afternoon made it feel like we were walking on the surface of the sun. I don't think I have ever felt such oppressive weather. But, we made do by stopping in air conditioned stores every 100 feet or so and had a great day. I even had to buy a t shirt because the one I was wearing was soaked. We always go to Mexico in July because of the weather. The ocean is so warm and refreshing. As long as there is water to swim in and cold drinks nearby we are loving life.
P.S. A trip to a cenote is wonderful in that kind of heat. The water is so cool and feels great compared to hotel pools which feel like a hot bath.
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