(Yes, that is me in the picture in Bacalar. What a life eh?) What day is it anyway? Actually I jest; I still have one son in school and I do have several life coaching clients so I do usually keep track of the days.
The point I have been pondering lately is how often do we allow ourselves to get caught up in one of life’s ever evolving dramas and then get all stressed out? Maybe none of the stress is necessary. It surely all works out in the end.
It is a choice. It is all a choice. It is much like my decision to move to Mexico in the first place. What I will always remember is that I moved to Mexico to enjoy a different way of life ... a different view of life ... and to embrace something new. No matter where we live, creating stress is optional.
The Mexican word mañana can be interpreted in many different ways. In my life it makes me remember that rarely is anything so important that I have to spoil my current moment to jump up and do it - later will be just fine. Mañana you say? Why argue with something that works? Embrace it. It’s a choice.
Only in Mexico you say?
Enjoy life's adventures!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live your Dreams Life Coach
P.S. My ebook: Only in Mexico You Say? The Humorous Side of Living in Mexico is available now on my site http://www.onlyinmexicoyousay.com/.
Would you like help to visit or live in Mexico? Visit http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
My husband's Playa del Carmen Real Estate office – http://www.onestopmc.com/.
My experiences here have taught me that mañana means 'not now'. Right now isn't the time to get stressed, and we'll worry about it some other time. :)
really great pt!!!
love the pic :)
Stress is a mental prison, and escaping is very difficult for many people because we are so used to it and in a perverse way "comfortable" with it. It's become part of Western culture.
You are lucky to have found a less stressful life.
We've lived in a number of foreign countries, but in a year or so we're looking for a more permanent perch, and it will certainly be in a country where we'll be able to live a more relaxed lifestyle. Dancing would be good though, to keep moving ;)
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